Saturday, December 24, 2011
Anyhow, our pseudo tradition is one that I don't really want to keep up. It's that someone is sick on Christmas Eve. Last year it was the oldest, who had the flu and kept throwing up, but was recovered in time to open presents on Christmas. This year it's me. Does it make me a bad parent to wish it were them? I mean really, what do they have to do today? Despite feeling like I've been run over with a truck I've still managed to get the dogs from the kennel (we were gone for a few days and got home last night at midnight), go to the grocery store, make lunch, clean the house, and wrap a crapload of presents today. Still haven't managed a shower yet, but it's only 2:40 so there's still time.
Right now I'm going to take a break. Have some tea, which will hopefully clear out my head so I can breathe because I'm partial to getting air in my lungs, and catch up on the football scores. We've already decided to forego the Christmas Eve dinner (I am SO not up to cooking that tonight) and just have pizza instead. I'm pretty sure the kids will appreciate that.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Randy's Blog
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I want to apologize to my mom, for all these moments that I gave her when I was younger. She keeps telling me that payback's a bitch, but of course she's much more polite about it. I can only hope my grandkids (which will magically appear when my kids turn 30, and even then by immaculate conception) give my kids as much grief as they give me on a daily basis. And why do they do that? Is it genetically imprinted in kids to annoy their parents? They ask for/to do something and automatically get pissy when they don't get the answer they want, but when I give them the long drawn-out explanation as to why things are that way, they lose interest and don't really care. I am going to revert to that old standby- "Because I said so."
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Woke up and it was sunny (a rarity for here) and cold. I decided to put off my run until later when I won't freeze to death. After all- who can cook if they are frozen? Or dead?
We have the best reason to be thankful this year- I have, in my hot little hands, the final paperwork for our house! All we have to do is sign it before a notary and our house is sold! It took 3 months from the time we put it on the market until we close next week. I'd like to say it was our awesome house or fabulous agent, but really it's just luck. There were 2 other identical houses in our neighborhood for sale (1 was a foreclosure and the other was on the market for 2 years) so why did the guy choose our house and not those? Well, the foreclosure takes 6 months to buy, but the other one? I'm not arguing. 3 months! I'm so thrilled and can't wait to sign those papers and mail them back. Yea!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Things aren't perfect, but I'm still glad we moved. Our house is smaller so we've had to get rid of a lot of stuff. The schools require a physical (complete with psych eval!!) before kids can start school, so they were out longer than expected. It's rained almost every day since we've been here (What's that stuff falling from the sky? Rain? Huh. So that's what that is.). I keep getting lost in our neighborhood (it's huge with lots of winding roads), but only when I'm really trying to find something. The things they call mountains here are little more than bumps. But all in all it's not bad. I am trying to focus on the positives. I've found Target and a grocery store. The local school is supposed to be the best in the area. We have a huge yard and there are lots of other kids in the neighborhood to play with. It's only 11 hours from our families (as opposed to a 4-hr flight or 3-day drive). And, best of all, there's a running path the goes around the entire neighborhood (and in this case I wouldn't mind getting lost).
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Anyhow, the house looks fabulous. Moving, or should I say selling your house, is really good for some things. I'm not one of those people who vacuum every day- I mean really, get a life- but I kep the house clean. But with it being sold and having to be show-ready, it is spotless. This forced us to do all those things I've been thinking we need to do but haven't managed to get around to doing, like painting the whole house, cleaning out the window tracks, cleaning all the screens in the windows, and all those other little things that I just keep putting off. And man are my windows clean!
The only downside I can see about this is that the kids aren't thrilled that we are decoration-less. My husband loves Halloween and the kids love decorating, so they are going through withdrawal. We take the dogs for a walk every night and the kids have resorted to counting the number of houses that are decorated. All I can say is thank goodness we are moving before Christmas!
As the boxes pile up around me, literally, I'll just say don't miss me too much. I'll be back after we're settled and have the internet again.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Now normally a bee sting or wasp sting or some kind of flying bee-type creature sting isn't a big deal. But I'm allergic. At least I used to be. I remember being sent home from school in junior high because I got stung by a bee and my arm swelled up. I think I was in high school before I realized that most people didn't swell up and get welts on their skin when stung. I haven't been stung since I was a kid, so we weren't sure what was going to happen. As it turns out, not much. I got a welt and it was red and swollen and super itchy in an area about the size of your fist on Sunday. Today, 4 days later, the red part is about the size of a half dollar and the itching is gone. Huge improvement. I'm not sure if this means I'm no longer allergic or if the reaction has lessoned (because I'm bigger?), but I'll take it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011!/photo.php?fbid=2545702681966&set=a.2545702521962.2154719.1235752135&type=1&theater
I am slightly offended by this. Part of me says "yeah! Good on ya! Why should our self esteem be dictated by our weight?" Initially I thought "yep- that's what women need to hear."
But then I read on. The rest of the note below the picture. I think it was somewhere around the the middle that I started getting irked. Yeah. I'm skinny. I'm not a mermaid. I work out. I eat right. I'm blessed with good genes. I kept reading and started to be a little resentful. Yes, it's a good thing to encourage women- especially children and teenagers who are growing into this society- that you don't have to be thin to be beautiful. But don't hate those who are thin. I'm loved. I have friends. Kids. A husband. I don't obsess over my weight and, quite frankly, I'm a bit offended that this article implies differently. It started out with a positive message, but ended up ticking me off by going too far as to imply that all thin people have problems and aren't "real" women. Why can't we all just be happy at the size we are? Why can't we accept that everyone is different- different sizes, shapes, colors, personalities, ideas.... how boring would life be if everyone was the same?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Now I'll admit- sugar intollerance really isn't that common. Most people look at me like I'm crazy, so I usually just tell them I'm allergic to sugar. But what really bugs me is when people feel the need to comment on it. Let's get this out there- I'm skinny. I struggle with my weight, but not the way most people do, I have a hard time keeping it on and usually hover around the very bottom of "normal" for my height. But that is a totally different issue for another day.
Anyhow, back to the sugar thing. When I go to, say Starbucks, I'll order a "skinny" drink and I'll hear comments. Yes, I hear you behind me making snide remarks. Or when I skip dessert people feel the need to try and force something sugary on me. Even my friends who know I can't eat sugar do this, which irks me to no end. Especially my friend who is lactose intollerant- it's not like I try to force feed her ice cream or milk. Or when people ask me why I don't just eat fake sugar (put all those chemicals in my body? Ewwww). Do they really think they are helping? Does it make them feel better? It's like kids making fun of someone who is different, but with a little bit more tact. Sometimes.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I was on a road with construction, making it one lane in the direction I was traveling. By the way, this is very annoying because the city had just redone this road a couple months ago, snarling traffic, and now it's all torn up again. Anyhow, I was behind this guy who paused at the yellow light, then decided to go anyway and didn't really make the light. That left me as the first in line at the red light. As I watched the cars line up behind me, I noticed the drivers were getting impatient because I was going straight and they wanted to turn right. But, because of the aforementioned construction, they were stuck waiting for the light to turn green and for me to go. So as I sat there thinking about their impatience and the guy who considered stopping but decided to run the light, I decided to do a little experiment. I inched for about 2 feet. Then watched every other car in line behind me (about 15) get as close to the car in front of them as possible without actually hitting that car. Why do people do that? Personally, it's one of my pet peeves. Sure, sometimes I do the inch-forward thing, but for the most part I try not to. Is a few feet really going to make a difference? Is there really a need to creep forward? It won't give me a jump when the light turns. In fact, it's the opposite- that few extra feet will give you a chance to get up your speed. You know, so you can then slam on your brakes to avoid rear ending the car in front of you. So what's our fascination with getting there first? Rushing through the light? Are we really that important or in that big of a hurry we can't wait the extra 3 minutes (or 2 feet!)?
Sunday, September 18, 2011
If my kid could be so selfless, why couldn't I? I mean, it's just hair. It will grow back. (On a side note, I've never understood why people are so opposed to getting their hair cut. Look at those makeover shows. People freak out at the haircut part. Who cares? It will grow back!) So a bit later I started growing mine out to cut. It was really short then and it took me 18 months (almost exactly!) to get it long enough, but 2 weeks ago I went and got it all cut off. I donated 8 inches to make wigs, then they had to cut another 2 inches off to give it some style. But all in all, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I'm fortunate- I don't have a disease that makes me lose my hair or one where the medicine to cure makes my hair fall out. I can grow more. It's pretty short, but not too bad. And if I want to, in about a year it can be long again.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Now that I know I can use my cell to post pics (because the camera cord is already packed), think of the possibilities! It's amazing what cell phones can do these days- you hardly need a computer anymore.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
When we went, I picked out a new cup that was almost like my old, giant one. I painted it in colors that I thought would be pretty. It's a speckly white with a turquoise rim and turquoise polka dots, then the inside and the handle are a purplish muave color. I'd show you a picture, but when we were boxing up things to move the cord for the camera apparently got packed because I can't find it anywhere to download pictures. So just use your imagination.
Here's the funny part. About a 2 weeks ago I was wearing my favorite tank top and drinking coffee and I noticed that my coffee cup matches my tank top. Yep. I somehow managed to match the colors- perfectly- to my favorite tank. How funny is that? I wasn't even wearing it when we painted, but I guess subconsciously I really liked those colors. Crazy.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
However, I was unable to enjoy the fact that yesterday was 80 and cloudy- near perfect for running. My husband took the oldest cross country this weekend to look for a place for us to live when we move in a month or so. I'd like to have a place already rented (we plan to rent till we sell our house which, God willing, will be quick!) so the moving van and my Fitness magazine know where to go. I'm picky like that.
So the hubby and oldest are out looking for dwellings and, when I talked to him last night, the kid is acting like a saint, despite the 3-hr time change, long flights, lots of driving around, and non-normal eating schedules. It always amazes me when the kids come through. They can be total brats at home (don't judge. You know your kids have been bratty before), then pull of an "I'm the most perfect kid ever" routine when out in public. Drives me nuts. Can I get some of that agreeableness and good will at home? Every once in awhile? I'm not going to lie- I'm kind of dreading the teen years.
Monday, August 22, 2011
See, we're moving. Cross country. Going from the West to the East Coast. It's somewhere around 2000 miles. So if that isn't stressful enough, we're going to sell our house. Yes, I said sell. We'll give it 6 months, then rent it out if we need to. It goes on the market tomorrow and we're getting the pictures taken today, so for the past week I've been doing nothing but painting, cleaning, painting, organizing, painting... you get the idea. Did you know that you burn 230 per hour of painting? I had no idea it was that high. And figure I spent at least 15 hours painting. Well, there goes a couple days worth of calories.
Balance getting-the-house-ready and figuring-out-what-needs-done-so-we-can-move with trying-to-keep-things-relatively-normal-for-the-kids and you get stress. Lots of it. Which makes for quick, easy (ish....) weight loss. But I don't advise it either.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The culprit? Morgan, our puppy. Well, not so much a puppy anymore. He's a golden retriever and he's 14 months, which is golden land, means he's more like an older teenager. But he still gets in to mischief and has his moments of destruction. To date he's eaten multiple toys, stuffed animals, and at least 1 shoe from each family member to include my favorite flip flops! Bad dog. He gets destructive when he feels ignored. We have friends whose kids are terrified of dogs, so when they come over I put the dogs outside, and Morgan gets upset (because he's not part of everything. He's a golden- everyone is supposed to love him) and digs up the yard or eats the plants. I was cleaning and put him in a room- with a baby gate so he could see me- and he ate some craft that was left out on the table. Sigh. All we can do is wait until he gets a little older adn grows out of it. Supposedly golden's are adult dogs at 18 months, so only a couple more months.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing blue every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority." We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or overbearing.
Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday- and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wear something blue. By word of mouth, press, TV- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of blue much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, coworkers, friends, and family, it will not be long before the USA is covered in BLUE and it will let our troops know that once the "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on. The first thing a soldiers says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is "We need your support and your prayers." Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example, and wear something blue every Friday.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
About 5 years ago there was a Staples commercial where a dad was back-to-school shopping with his 2 kids and he was singing "It's the most wonderful time of the year." I never really got that until my kids started school. When they were younger, before they started school, I never really understood why friends with older kids were thankful when school started back up. Now that the kids are in school, I totally get it. By the end of summer I am worn out with summer vacation and ready to send them back. Not that they are ready to go, but I'm ready for school to start.
Monday, August 1, 2011
About 6 weeks ago, in my quest to catch up on workouts, I pulled a muscle behind my knee. Or at least I think that's what I did. I'm hypersensitive about knees because I tore mine a couple years ago and had to have surgery. But did that stop me? Nope. I've continued to muddle through runs and not give it a chance to rest. I figured it wasn't a real injury, because it only hurt when running and then stopped hurting when I stopped running, and some days it didn't hurt at all. But then it started hurting sooner and sooner in the run, so I had to cut back to running once a week rather than 3 times.
And all that was well and good, until this morning. I ran for 45 minutes and it didn't bother me at all until about the last 5 minutes, so I was congratulating myself on it finally starting to heal, but then I got home and wouldn't you know it? It still hurts. Drat. So my question to you is this- do you baby yourself when you're injured or just push through? How much time do you take to recover and heal?I'm more of a push through person, which sometimes gets me in trouble (like the knee that still hurts 6 weeks later!) and never seem to give myself time to fully heal.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This is my current crochet project. I just finished making a really cute bag and have to line that, but first I have to get to the store to get some good, thick fabric. I'm thinking a canvas lining. Maybe I'll spray it with ScotchGuard so it's water resistant. Or maybe I can find some sailcloth. Hmmmm....

But in the meantime, here's what I'm working on. I have 3 done so far. If you're on my Christmas list, watch out- you'll most likely get one (or more) of these with your present this year.
In case you can crochet- or want to learn- here's where you get the pattern:There's are great pictures and step by step instructions.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
So I finished this book, and all I can think is, "what would I have done?" It's set in the 60s, during the Civil Rights Movement, and I can't help but wonder if I would have been brave enough to stand up and say that it doesn't matter what color someone is, they should be treated equal. My mom was in college at this time and she said she went to protests and rallies in support of equal rights. Although she did go to college around Chicago, so it was more acceptable to do so than in the book, which was set in Mississippi. But what about living in the south at the time? Would you have gone against the flow or just accepted that that was the way things were?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Now, most poeple who are freaks of nature by definition are your professional athletes because their bodies just don't work the way "normal" people's should Anyone ever see that show Superhumans? It was only on for a year (I think) on the Discovery channel or TLC or something like that, and the host went around the world interviewing and testing people who weren't normal. The guy with the extra-thick skull, the ultramarathoner whose body just doesn't produce lactic acid in his musles so he can run forever, and others like that. I loved that show. Unfortunately, my wackiness doesn't make me a super athlete. Rats. Anyone else out there a freak?
Friday, July 15, 2011
5:10-Stumble out of bed. Put on running clothes. Run. One of the things I love about running is that I can do it from my house. Just walk about the door and start.
7:30- Eat breakfast. Cheerios. Yummy. Not really- I don't like them, but I eat them because they are good for me.
8:00- Make dinner. Yep- I'm proactive like that. Nothing fancy, just beef stew in the crock pot so it's ready when we are tonight.
8:30- Get kids ready for swim lessons. It's the last one of the session. Yea! Not that I don't like sitting around watching them try not to drown...
9:30- Head to the school to pick up some stuff for tonight's meeting, then off to the library to drop off books and pick up the ones I had on hold, finally it's off to the bike shop to pick up my new bike helmet! I waited until I felt ready to bike again before getting a new helmet (smacked my head when I crashed and broke my arm) and since I have a tiny head, they had to special order one and now it's in. Isn't it beautiful?
11:00- Lunch with friends. Unfortunately, our 7 combined kids (ages 3 to 16) love McDonalds, and it's about the only place they can all agree on, so guess where we ended up? That's right- the land of processed food. But we did get to see THE Ronald McDonald. The kids (all of them!) were thrilled. And that place does have its benefits- the kids can entertain each other and we can catch up because I haven't seen her for a couple months.
1:00- Home and time for a Mommy-required nap/rest time. Really- go in your rooms and I don't want to hear you until at least 3. Ahhhhh.......silence.....during which I'll organize (ok, purge) all my stuff to turn over tomorrow to the person who is taking over my job. When did I accumulate so much crap?!
4:45- A snack on the way out the door to the School Board meeting (I'm on the board) because I won't get dinner until around 8 tonight, whereas my family can eat at 6. Hence the crock pot.
5:00- School Board Meeting. Just like every other school board meeting across the country- not enough money, angry people, everyone else can do a better job... all around good time.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
2 examples. 1) I was watching What Not To Wear a few years ago and there was woman on it who had lost something like 50 pounds and couldn't figure out what size to try on. Stacy and Clinton had this giant piece of paper and made her draw an outline of herself. When she was done they stepped back and she's added about 6 inches to her width. 2) I had a good friend in college with a serious eating disorder. So serious she got kicked out of school and forced into rehab because she was, literally, killing herself. At the time she left she had 3% body fat (women shouldn't have below 12%). Her bones stuck out- you could see every rib, every vertabrae, you could even see the outline of her pelvis. And yet she still thought she was fat and needed to lose more weight. Studies routinely show that people with eating disorders look in the mirror and see someone bigger than they really are, which feeds into the needing to loose weight thoughts, which spurs on the eating disorders.
Without going on, I think that shows we don't really see ourselves the way we really are and that we are harder on ourselves than need be. But why is that? Can't we all just be happy with the body that we have? Thankful that it (usually) gets us where we are going and lets us (usually) do what we want/need to do? Why, as women, can't we stop striving for the impossible and unattainable and be satisfied with how we are? Think of all the money we'd save on gyms, clothes, diet food, etc. That alone might get us out of the recession.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Going back there is... intesting. Many of hte people I grew up with went to college (or not), got married, and moved back there. This seems foreign to me, because I was pretty happy to leave and have no desire to live there. I ran into an old friend of mine while I was there, and it's wierd having a conversation as an adult with someone who has known me since I was born. Anyone else every feel that way when they return to their hometown? There's a great song that sums it up. It's by Cross Canadian Ragweed and it's called "17."
Check them out:
Here's a few snippets of the lyrics:
"You're always 17 in your hometown."
"Running from your folks, running from the law. Running from a love, running for your fears, running from it all."
"I bet she doesn't even remember my name. Just like she didn't back then."
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I had a a half hour drive to get back home, so my mind starting wandering and the aforementioned house got me thinking about how much better things look in the dark. People. Clothes. Makeup. If that's the case, why aren't dressing rooms darker? I've also read that you'll eat more when it's dark, which is why many restaurants have dim lighting.
So if everything is better in the dark, why does everyone push for daylight savings? Shouldn't we just embrace the extra hour of night and think "for this 6 months, I'm going to look better and so is my house?" Maybe I need to change all the lightbulbs in the house to 40W or just not replace them when they burn out. (Yes, I know, regular lightbulbs are terrible and we shouldn't use them. Sorry, I'm not replacing them with CFLs until they burn out, so deal with it.)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
June 1:
Breakfast- minibagel with natural peanut butter, black coffee
Lunch- Italian chicken sandwich (Ciabatta bread, grilled chicken fingers, basil, roasted red peppers, mayonaise. Leftovers, not from a restaurant), watermelon, low-fat string cheese, water
Snack- apple, water
Dinner- whole wheat spagetti with spagetti sauce (from a jar), mixed green salad, 1% milk
June 2:
Breakfast- Cheerios, 1% milk, black coffee
Lunch- veggie pasta, low-fat string cheese, watermelon, bagel chips, water
Snack- apple, tortilla with natural peanut butter, water
Dinner- Beef stew (beef, carrots, potatoes, celery, onion, various spices), red wine
I know, I know- there's sugar in wine. Sorry, I'm not giving that one up. And yes, I need to eat more veggies.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Morgan is our new puppy that we got about 2 months ago. He's a Golden, so he thinks everyone is his friend and wants to play with him. And he chews on his feet- we took him to the vet who said he either has OCD (very possible) or he has allergies. And he chases his tail. I always thought that was a myth- dogs chasing their tail. But not Morgan- he does it for 5-10 minutes at a time, then bites tail when he catches it, yelps, then starts all over again. But what makes him strange is that he loves to watch TV. I swear- he'll sit perfectly still and watch it with us when it's on. He went to the kennel last weekend when we were camping (we take Wendell camping with us) and they said he's the friendliest Golden they've had. So he's not even normal in those regards.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
And of course, when one of the kids woke up at midnight and wanted to use the bathroom, it's all I could think of as we made our way down the hill in the dark with only my flashlight to protect us.
We all had fun. It's a great campground on top of a mountain. Each campsite has its own picnic table, bear box for food, grill, fire pit (which we couldn't use, due to the no-campfire restriction), and 2 tent pads and each cluster of sites has it's own toilet. So as far as campgrounds go, it's pretty nice. We went out wandering around the campground and the kids found a forest of baby pine trees, which they thought was really cool. I'm not a tree expert, but I'd say these are about 3-5 years old.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I tore the cartiledge in my knee 2 years ago and had to have a scope. Doctor said I'd be running in 6 weeks. It took me 3 months. And now I can't run more than 5 miles before it hurts too much. I've had to let go my goal of someday running a marathon and have set a goal of a half marathon, with much walking and some running. (I'm not giving that one up just yet!)
So the lesson learned here is that 1) don't get old, and 2) when you do get old, don't hurt yourself because you just won't heal the way you should.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Close your eyes for a minute and imagine technology as it was when you were a kid. Not much there, right? I remember getting our first VCR, the Atari, an Apple IIe computer... these things were awesome way back when. My uncle worked on a superfast computer back in the 70s, when computers were first starting to be used more, and now my cell phone has more computing capability than his entire supercomputer. I can't even imagine what technology will be like when I'm old, but I'm hoping it doesn't pass me by and I'm not stuck using rolls of film when the world has moved on to digital. Isn't that why we have kids though? To keep us up with the current technologies?
Monday, May 2, 2011
One of those pregnant people is a really good friend from college and I'm making a blanket for her. I was holding out until I knew the sex of the baby, so fortunately for me, the kid cooperated at her ultrasound. I promised (threatened) pictures of my projects, so here's what I have so far. I fully admit, I stole the idea of mixing 2 different colors (blue and white in this case) from a friend, and I think it's turning out pretty well. And, I still have 2 months to finish it. Yea me.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
So, needless to say, she is ecstatic over the British Royal wedding on Friday. Living out West, it will come on at 3:30 AM our time, and she somehow managed to convince her dad that she can get up to watch it (I made him agree to get up with her). Princess Catherine is all she's been talking about for the last week or so. I blame myself, because I'm the one who told her about the wedding and that the person would become a real princess after she married a prince. She thinks this is about the coolest thing ever and says that her new goal in life is to grow up and be a princess. We need to work on that one. Anyhow, she asked me the cutest thing the other day- she asked if Princess Kate was going to hang out with Cinderella and Snow White and all the other princesses. I didn't have a heart to mention that those are fake princesses.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
- Do a triathlon
- Run a half-marathon
- Start a new job
- Resurrect our Crochet and Coffee group and keep it going for more than 2 months
- Move to a new town
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
But I digress. I'm still looking for what to give up for Lent. Coffee? Wine? Suggestions?