5:10-Stumble out of bed. Put on running clothes. Run. One of the things I love about running is that I can do it from my house. Just walk about the door and start.
7:30- Eat breakfast. Cheerios. Yummy. Not really- I don't like them, but I eat them because they are good for me.
8:00- Make dinner. Yep- I'm proactive like that. Nothing fancy, just beef stew in the crock pot so it's ready when we are tonight.
8:30- Get kids ready for swim lessons. It's the last one of the session. Yea! Not that I don't like sitting around watching them try not to drown...
9:30- Head to the school to pick up some stuff for tonight's meeting, then off to the library to drop off books and pick up the ones I had on hold, finally it's off to the bike shop to pick up my new bike helmet! I waited until I felt ready to bike again before getting a new helmet (smacked my head when I crashed and broke my arm) and since I have a tiny head, they had to special order one and now it's in. Isn't it beautiful?
11:00- Lunch with friends. Unfortunately, our 7 combined kids (ages 3 to 16) love McDonalds, and it's about the only place they can all agree on, so guess where we ended up? That's right- the land of processed food. But we did get to see THE Ronald McDonald. The kids (all of them!) were thrilled. And that place does have its benefits- the kids can entertain each other and we can catch up because I haven't seen her for a couple months.
1:00- Home and time for a Mommy-required nap/rest time. Really- go in your rooms and I don't want to hear you until at least 3. Ahhhhh.......silence.....during which I'll organize (ok, purge) all my stuff to turn over tomorrow to the person who is taking over my job. When did I accumulate so much crap?!
4:45- A snack on the way out the door to the School Board meeting (I'm on the board) because I won't get dinner until around 8 tonight, whereas my family can eat at 6. Hence the crock pot.
5:00- School Board Meeting. Just like every other school board meeting across the country- not enough money, angry people, everyone else can do a better job... all around good time.
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