Morgan is our new puppy that we got about 2 months ago. He's a Golden, so he thinks everyone is his friend and wants to play with him. And he chews on his feet- we took him to the vet who said he either has OCD (very possible) or he has allergies. And he chases his tail. I always thought that was a myth- dogs chasing their tail. But not Morgan- he does it for 5-10 minutes at a time, then bites tail when he catches it, yelps, then starts all over again. But what makes him strange is that he loves to watch TV. I swear- he'll sit perfectly still and watch it with us when it's on. He went to the kennel last weekend when we were camping (we take Wendell camping with us) and they said he's the friendliest Golden they've had. So he's not even normal in those regards.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
We are the desired home for strange animals. I swear- none of our pets are normal.
Exhibit A- a snail. (Pretend there's a picture. I swear we have one, I just can't find it).
Ok. So Mr. Snail was suicidal. It's dead now- no suprise there. It liked to climb out of the fish tank and make a run for it. We found him 3 feet out of the tank one morning. It must have taken the poor thing all night to get that far.
Exhibit B: Wendell (8 years)
Wendell, our black lab is possibly the most un-lablike dog out there. Seriously. He's a retriever, but hates to fetch or play ball. He's big and black so he appears mean, but he's scared of everyone. After we got him, at 10 weeks, it took him, literally, a month to have the courage to walk down the sidewalk and 3 houses to the mailbox. We had friends come over, whom he knew, when we weren't home and he ran and hid and barked at them from under the bed. He's also anti-social. He thinks if he's in the same room as you that's good enough. And until he was 4, he was scared of the water. He's a Labrador Retriever- a water breed. Sheesh.
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