
Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm allergic to sugar.  Well, not so much allergic as intollerant.  Think of somone you know who is lactose intollerant, then think of what happens to them when they eat, say cheese.  If you don't know, go ahead and look it up.  That's what happens to me when I eat sugar.  It's not a huge deal, I've just learned to cut sugar almost completly out of my diet.  I can eat about 5g per meal, but that's pretty much my limit.  And if you were wondering, 5g is about as much as you get in 1/2 a serving of peanut butter (yep- there's sugar in peanut butter!).  So for the most part, that means that deserts are out and so are all those yummy Starbucks drinks, unless I can get them in a "skinny" version.  It took me about a year to really accept this, and every now and then it's hard to not eat a piece of cake or some Halloween candy, but I'm ok with it now.

Now I'll admit- sugar intollerance really isn't that common.  Most people look at me like I'm crazy, so I usually just tell them I'm allergic to sugar.  But what really bugs me is when people feel the need to comment on it.  Let's get this out there- I'm skinny.  I struggle with my weight, but not the way most people do, I have a hard time keeping it on and usually hover around the very bottom of "normal" for my height.  But that is a totally different issue for another day. 

Anyhow, back to the sugar thing.  When I go to, say Starbucks, I'll order a "skinny" drink and I'll hear comments.  Yes, I hear you behind me making snide remarks.  Or when I skip dessert people feel the need to try and force something sugary on me.  Even my friends who know I can't eat sugar do this, which irks me to no end.  Especially my friend who is lactose intollerant- it's not like I try to force feed her ice cream or milk.  Or when people ask me why I don't just eat fake sugar (put all those chemicals in my body?  Ewwww).  Do they really think they are helping?  Does it make them feel better?  It's like kids making fun of someone who is different, but with a little bit more tact.  Sometimes.

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