
Thursday, October 6, 2011

First, check out this post on Facebook:!/photo.php?fbid=2545702681966&set=a.2545702521962.2154719.1235752135&type=1&theater

I am slightly offended by this.  Part of me says "yeah!  Good on ya!  Why should our self esteem be dictated by our weight?"  Initially I thought "yep- that's what women need to hear."

But then I read on.  The rest of the note below the picture.  I think it was somewhere around the the middle that I started getting irked.  Yeah.  I'm skinny.  I'm not a mermaid.  I work out.  I eat right.  I'm blessed with good genes.  I kept reading and started to be a little resentful.  Yes, it's a good thing to encourage women- especially children and teenagers who are growing into this society- that you don't have to be thin to be beautiful.  But don't hate those who are thin.  I'm loved.  I have friends.  Kids.  A husband.  I don't obsess over my weight and, quite frankly, I'm a bit offended that this article implies differently.  It started out with a positive message, but ended up ticking me off by going too far as to imply that all thin people have problems and aren't "real" women.  Why can't we all just be happy at the size we are?  Why can't we accept that everyone is different- different sizes, shapes, colors, personalities, ideas.... how boring would life be if everyone was the same?

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