
Friday, July 22, 2011

I am a freak of nature. It's true. Everyone has weird little quirks, and in some ways I seem to go against what is normal. For example- when I was in college and then my early 20s, my resting pulse was over 100, despite being in really good shape. To make a long story short, I ended up at a cardiologist and after many tests he determine that I actually have 2 heartbeats. Strange, I know. You'd think it would make me awesome (which I am, but for different reasons).

Now, most poeple who are freaks of nature by definition are your professional athletes because their bodies just don't work the way "normal" people's should Anyone ever see that show Superhumans? It was only on for a year (I think) on the Discovery channel or TLC or something like that, and the host went around the world interviewing and testing people who weren't normal. The guy with the extra-thick skull, the ultramarathoner whose body just doesn't produce lactic acid in his musles so he can run forever, and others like that. I loved that show. Unfortunately, my wackiness doesn't make me a super athlete. Rats. Anyone else out there a freak?

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