
Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm sitting here trying to ignore my kids, who are currently upstairs complaining because I didn't let them do what they wanted.  When asked why, I told them it was because I was mean.  Funny how easily they accepted that. 

I want to apologize to my mom, for all these moments that I gave her when I was younger.  She keeps telling me that payback's a bitch, but of course she's much more polite about it.  I can only hope my grandkids (which will magically appear when my kids turn 30, and even then by immaculate conception) give my kids as much grief as they give me on a daily basis.  And why do they do that?  Is it genetically imprinted in kids to annoy their parents?  They ask for/to do something and automatically get pissy when they don't get the answer they want, but when I give them the long drawn-out explanation as to why things are that way, they lose interest and don't really care.  I am going to revert to that old standby- "Because I said so." 

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