
Monday, December 19, 2011

Another one of my friends just announced that she's pregnant.  They all just hit the end of their first trimester, so everyone is letting the world know they are expecting.  But what's strange about this is that all of them are having their first kid.  It's all my friends that missed the first round of babies when we were in our mid-20s, so now that we are in our mid-30s, they are all getting pregnant.  My husband asked me if it makes me sad or makes me want another kid, and I can honestly say no to that.  I am so thrilled that my kids, while not very little anymore, are competent.  They can walk, they can can dress themselves, feed themselves, they are potty trained, they can get themselves in/out of the car.  They are functioning people.  It's really nice.  The only thing I miss about the baby stage is the cuddling, because there's nothing quite like holding a sleeping baby that snuggles up into your chest.  But I'll trade that for kids that can go without naps, allowing us to do more stuff each day, and I'll get my baby snuggle fix in about 6 months when all my friends have their babies.

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