Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Morgan is our new puppy that we got about 2 months ago. He's a Golden, so he thinks everyone is his friend and wants to play with him. And he chews on his feet- we took him to the vet who said he either has OCD (very possible) or he has allergies. And he chases his tail. I always thought that was a myth- dogs chasing their tail. But not Morgan- he does it for 5-10 minutes at a time, then bites tail when he catches it, yelps, then starts all over again. But what makes him strange is that he loves to watch TV. I swear- he'll sit perfectly still and watch it with us when it's on. He went to the kennel last weekend when we were camping (we take Wendell camping with us) and they said he's the friendliest Golden they've had. So he's not even normal in those regards.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
And of course, when one of the kids woke up at midnight and wanted to use the bathroom, it's all I could think of as we made our way down the hill in the dark with only my flashlight to protect us.
We all had fun. It's a great campground on top of a mountain. Each campsite has its own picnic table, bear box for food, grill, fire pit (which we couldn't use, due to the no-campfire restriction), and 2 tent pads and each cluster of sites has it's own toilet. So as far as campgrounds go, it's pretty nice. We went out wandering around the campground and the kids found a forest of baby pine trees, which they thought was really cool. I'm not a tree expert, but I'd say these are about 3-5 years old.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I tore the cartiledge in my knee 2 years ago and had to have a scope. Doctor said I'd be running in 6 weeks. It took me 3 months. And now I can't run more than 5 miles before it hurts too much. I've had to let go my goal of someday running a marathon and have set a goal of a half marathon, with much walking and some running. (I'm not giving that one up just yet!)
So the lesson learned here is that 1) don't get old, and 2) when you do get old, don't hurt yourself because you just won't heal the way you should.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Close your eyes for a minute and imagine technology as it was when you were a kid. Not much there, right? I remember getting our first VCR, the Atari, an Apple IIe computer... these things were awesome way back when. My uncle worked on a superfast computer back in the 70s, when computers were first starting to be used more, and now my cell phone has more computing capability than his entire supercomputer. I can't even imagine what technology will be like when I'm old, but I'm hoping it doesn't pass me by and I'm not stuck using rolls of film when the world has moved on to digital. Isn't that why we have kids though? To keep us up with the current technologies?
Monday, May 2, 2011
One of those pregnant people is a really good friend from college and I'm making a blanket for her. I was holding out until I knew the sex of the baby, so fortunately for me, the kid cooperated at her ultrasound. I promised (threatened) pictures of my projects, so here's what I have so far. I fully admit, I stole the idea of mixing 2 different colors (blue and white in this case) from a friend, and I think it's turning out pretty well. And, I still have 2 months to finish it. Yea me.